JANUS: Samples

In today´s musical world, the concept of samples is increasingly gaining importance. Although the concept of musical quotes is nothing new in music – twoexamples: Richard Wagner quoted passages from his opera Tristan in his Die Meistersinger von Nürnberg, Anton Webern included a motiv from Johann SebastianBach´s Kunst der Fuge in his Orchesterstücke – only modern recordingtechnology made the „theft“ of recorded musical material for re-use in otherworks possible.

The Janus Project is no exception from this practice. So here it is -the official list of sample sources for the Janus Project. Be advised that it is in mostcases highly recommended to check out the sources itself – so have fun with this greatsource of material !

JANUS SongTimeDescriptionSongAlbumArtist
 00:03alto sax soloIan Underwood whips it outUncle MeatFrank Zappa
 00:05tenor sax soloA Love Supreme – Suitelive at Juan Les Pins, 7/26/65John Coltrane
 08:03tabla loopsWhat Need have I for this…Shatki with John McLaughlinJohn McLaughlin
 10:09synth blastSex, Sleep, Eat, Drink, DreamB´BoomKing Crimson
Loisachtal, Part 1/2     
 01:05drum loopHinterm Atem Deiner WorteZeitfalteZeitfalte
 01:05guitar loopStar CycleThere and backJeff Beck
 01:19hand clap loopTangosJazzpanaVince Mendoza
 01:26drum fillHinterm Atem Deiner WorteZeitfalteZeitfalte
 01:32drum filllStar CycleThere and backJeff Beck
 01:34percussion loopThe old CastleLa CunaRay Barretto
 01:51section blastHands with a HammerYCDTOSA Vol. 3Frank Zappa
 01:52triangleKarn Evil 9 2nd ImpressionWelcome back my friends…ELP
Loisachtal, Part 5     
 00:00drum introAcross the BridgeThe ViewChad Wackerman
 00:11odd drum loopPalms for LesterPolytownBozzio/Karn/Torn
 00:34drum loopDon´t you ever wash that thing ?Roxy & ElsewhereFrank Zappa
 00:56guitar riffAlligatory PecadilloDon´t mow your LawnRay Anderson
 01:05drum loopAlligatory CrocodileWhat BecauseRay Anderson
 01:44drum/percussion loopDupree´s ParadiseYCDTOSA Vol. 2Frank Zappa
Loisachtal, Part 6     
 00:47alto sax soloLouie LouieUncle MeatFrank Zappa