An album project.

Remembering, honoring, and revering, my late father.

Trying to write great music, and have great people do the rest.


Following my fathers passing in April of 2024, I spent a lot of time thinking about him. And at some point thought to myself „what can I do to properly collect my thoughts, in a way that might also be nice for others that knew him – and to others in general?“

Doing a biography would have been silly. But music? Composing something, like I had learned to do? And while we were at it, have really good people do the rest. Play the music, record the music, mix and master it, do the visual design etc.

This would be a great idea.

Key Aspects

Release Date: December 24th 2025. His birthday.

Team: Lots of great people. In no specific order from the top of my head: J. Then, D. Shawn, G. Gschößl, M. Müller, A. Willers, J. Bagnato, J. Bermann, P. Thompson, J. Lamprecht, N. Alexander, L. Stuart, S. Friedler, A. Bejenke, T. DiMuzio. Yep, and me, R. Straschill.

Music: Instrumental music with an extramusical narrative. It is a biography, after all, only without images and words. Stylistic crossover. Abundant use of Leitmotifs and Hausdorff dimensions.

This will be fun.

There might be a vinyl release.


Project definition, specification and composition were done by 12/24.

Two of five sections had completed recording by 1/25.

Team and ensemble was confirmed by early 3/25.

Outlook: tracking to happen in 3/25, 5/25 and 9/25.

Mixing and mastering: 10/25.

Visual design: somehow in parallel.

Release: I said that already – Christmas Eve!