A House with two Rooms

The MoinSound Studio Sessions was a rather big project. It had led to four album releases, plus two limited-edition EPs. And there was always this talk about yet another release „next year“.

This year – 2020 – is now this „next year“.

What it is

Around Epiphany of 2010, I quickly decided that it was time to do something fun: set up all of the electronic, electric and acoustic instruments, and do video-streamed performances of that for one week straight.

During the ca. seven hours of music, a lot happened – but also a lot happened that was, in the widest sense, from the ambient territory of music. And as such, could very well form an album.

A House with two Rooms

Within the wide field that is (or can be) called ambient, this album takes the freedom to maneuver through a variety of areas.

Organized into two halves (made up by tracks 1-4 and 3-7, respectively), We’re starting into the darker, at times even lowercase room. There’s a slow pulse in the opening Tea Leaf (paradox), complemented by various synthesizer textures.

We have acoustic piano (albeit through lots of electronic processing) on the following three tracks, again taking the texture into various directions – as a strongly reverberated cluster in Vakuum, or atop something even resembling some kind of electronic beat in Sei Felix, nicht Maurice.

(This last title is obviously inspired by the „Sei Pippi, nicht Annkia“ meme of old, where readers were instructed to be lively, questioning and creative, if sometimes challenging, rather than being an adolescent early adopter of total boredom. This recontextualization deals with metrics. Felix is Hausdorff, obviously, and Maurice is Halstead, whose things are neither metrics (as others call them) nor measures (his own words)).

During the second half, we get something that could even be called ambient dub with Eigenvoices, before we head into the album’s longest track, Baby Monster. This one is somewhat…difficult, and maybe best represents what happens if you go „no holds barred“ in a room full of gear.

How to get it

The album is available as a digital album download from bandcamp via the player, or directly here.

Download includes a nifty booklet, and lossless versions (FLAC) are in full 24/48 audiophile glory.

The price was set to something nonzero. Most probably it won’t stay that way. Not that it changes anything.

Credits & Acknowledgements

The art is, again „alles Straschill“.

Said artist would like to acknowledge Steve Moyes, who had, a few weeks prior to aforementioned concert series, decided to stream a winter solstice concert, which lasted 24 hours. This had greatly inspired the series of performance which resulted in this album.

Source Material