Weißbier (in my house), formerly named „SCSI Blues“, is a combination of a real primitive wind section, a dirty organ solo and totally stupid vocals. Except for the baritone sax solo, there is really nothing in it.
Featured artists: Appelshyme/bs, Kremer/dr
Recording credits: drum tracks recorded by Guido Kremer
Some pop songs have been titled „real summer hits“ by intelligent critics. Ein neuer Hut für Paul Dirac is perhaps the first „winter hit“ in the history of pop/rock. Perhaps this can be attributed to the gurgling bass clarinet (played by Wolfi Schlick), perhaps to the indeed very simple yet capturing harmonic set-up, perhaps just to a strange fit of the writer of these lines. Listen for the extended bass clarinet solo by Wolfi Schlick on this one!
Featured artists: Schlick/bcl
Recording credits: none
Perhaps the most intriguing work on JANUS, The Loisachtal Variations, based on the funk smash flop originally performed by NO MEMBERS, consists of heavily edited and altered bits from the live and 4-track recordings of the „original“, as well as Straschill´s actual impressions on the general theme – played on a solo piano or on alto sax against a deranged sampler playing obscure loops.
Featured artists: Bejenke/git, Hockel/dr, Lerner/b, A.Bejenke/bg.voc
Recording credits: Original live recordings by Berni Maurer at SoundCafe
The biggest surprise which came with the world premiere of the 3 Phantasien aus dem Notenbüchlein für coole Instrumente was the ecstatic applause after the very „avantgarde“ performance in front of a few hundred school children`s parents was over – perhaps this can be seen as a proof that the musical taste of the masses could be much more sophisticated given more intellectual record company presidents. The phantasies, overwritten mit viel Bier, knackig, jedoch nicht gefühllos and sehr kaputt (sic!) were performed by members of the AG Neue Musik am OvMG including the composer, playing from Straschills graphical score.
Featured artists:Stocker/cl,toms, Adolphs/dr
Recording credits: Werner Gruber for Moinlabs
More of a little interlude or sketch than a complete song is „Summer Evenings in Niederbayern“ – actually, it is the „slow“ part of the ´93 remix of Straschill´s insider hit Qui peut aider ? It´s presented here however with a trombone-only rhythm section and a free improvisation line by John Benedic Appleshyme on baritone sax, digitally intertwined with my own soprano ideas…
Featured artists: Appelshyme/bs
Recording credits: none
Another relict from the NO MEMBERS era, The Wizard has been completely reworked for this release. While the lyrics and the music basics have been rendered unchanged, the instrumentation has been changed to a more „mainstream studio“ sound in comparison to the original guitar-dominated live version, bringing it close to ELP´s balladesque efforts. The version also includes a „real“ flute solo in comparison to the former synth flute…
Featured artists: Schlick/fl
Recording credits: none
The most recent addition to the track list, yet the longest and most heterogenous work (exceeding even the collected madness of The Loisachtal Variations), Metamorphosen – Leere Bierdosen is an in-between of a look-ahead on further musical developments in my recordings and a garbage collection from the JANUS files. Included are – among other things – some baritone sax outtakes by Pipebender-Appleshyme, a rehearsal clip from a Lebendig rehearsal, and cutouts from my first »fripperies«…you have to hear it to believe it !
Featured artists: Appleshyme/bs, Röwenstrunk/git, Steuer/b, Hockel/dr
Recording credits: none
A full-featured parody on several musical styles, namely Rap, Funk and FreeJazz is Feynman´s Revenge. The arrangement combines a real-stupid two-chord progression (orchestrated with B3 and all) with a completely deranged alto solo and a „rappified“ reading from Richard Feynman´s „Lectures on Physics“. To loosen everything up a little, the real steady beat is enhanced by a 5/4 section…
Featured artists: none
Recording credits: none
A piece well-known to the „KultNET“ community is the Brecker-style Euphemistic. However this version includes – together with some minor changes – an acoustic drum part by ex-KultNET drum wizard Guido Kremer.
Featured artists:Kremer/dr, Müller-Gülich/humming
Recording credits: Drum tracks recorded by Guido Kremer