Neinnein auf dem kleinen Weg

The Music

  1. Preamble
  2. Misguided Communication
  3. To Boldly Go
  4. Sparks
  5. Rangers Lead the Way
  6. Advisory Consultant Strategy
  7. Angel Eyes
  8. Flexible Response
  9. Quality of Service
  10. A Hard Man’s Cut
  11. SAUBER 2003: Mika hat ned Häkkinen
  12. Massive Retaliation
  13. SAUBER 2003: New Strategy
  14. Epilogue – Kimi war mit uns in der Bar

Recorded live 11. December 2003 at Rivolta Arts & Wine Bar, Desenzano, Italia.
The entire music was composed and performed by Rainer Thelonius Balthasar Straschill; all of it was improvised live, with the following noteworthy exceptions: The Titles „Mika hat ned Häkkinen“ and „New Strategy“ are based on the musical basis of the Song „Mit Peter Sauber in der Bar“, composed by R.T.B. Straschill and contained on the Album SAUBER! – Das Geheimnis der Geschwindigkeit

I’d like to dedicate the track „Angel Eyes“ to Susan Kühne, who not only has angelic eyes, but also is a wonderful (one is tempted to phrase it „angelic“) human being and had been listening to my personal crap all the time in between October and December ’04. Thank you, Susan, you are an angel.


Yes, there was a lot of gear present that day. It was actually less than at the groxis tafelbiler event kilogram-wise, but definitely not MIPS-wise. Actually, I don’t want to talk too much about it right now, although I have ultra-anal notes at home which patch of which device was used for which sonic event.

Let me mention instead that all of the images on this page have been taken by Michael „Duschl“ Thammer, who also had to fight with me (and other people) really testing his nerves to the max with their babbling.
Let me also mention an extremely cool guy who makes cool sound which I absolutely do not like, unlike about everybody else – Rick Walker.

About the Event

The event had been organized by Luca Formentini of unguitar, whom I initially encountered at Looper’s Delight when we were discussing plans for an European Loopfest and who had invited me to play at a concert series organized by him in collaboration with Rivolta Arts and Wine Bar in beautiful Desenzano at Lago di Garda, Italy. (People interested in the art of event management strategy might be interested that Luca contracted me without hearing any of my works first!)

At this point, I’d like not to talk about the „what kind of music is this?“ things. Neinnein auf dem kleinen Weg is from the freely-improvised and heavily loop based aspects close to the Sauflieder concept, compared to other releases, it most closely resembles the structure and ideas of groxis tafelbilder. So, I’d simply like to quote from the flyer of the event series, which had to say the following about the event:

Musicista di Monaco di Baviera è, a seguito di una formazione classica, dedito alle manipolazioni elettroniche. Sapiente conoscitore di software di processamento audio molto evoluti, propone una situazione di installazione audio di carattere ambient. Ha all’attivo diverse collaborazioni nell’ambito della musica di ricerca in Germania.

How to get it

The album is available as a digital album download from bandcamp via the player, or directly here.

Download includes a nifty booklet, and lossless versions (FLAC) are in full 24/48 audiophile glory.

Credits & Acknowledgements

Thanks to Luca Formentini for producing the event, and to Michi Thammer for the photographs.