Schlagwort: Eclectic Blah

Eclectic Blah

Eclectic Blah by Eclectic Blah Eclectic Blah… Eclectic Blah was, during its existence by the beginning of the millenium, about two things: the music must be radically freely improvised, and it must be danceable. Most of the sessions and concerts were recorded, and starting in 2002, recording a concert meant digital multi-track. …the Album The album …


Eclectic Blah

The Eclectic Blah Album Looking for the self-titled Eclectic Blah album? Visit the album page! The Idea Music which is danceable, which is musically interesting, which is totally improvised and doesn’t take a lot of rehearsals, which can be played in any lineup imaginable, and which is fun for dancers, for interested audience members and for musicians alike. …
