A House with two Rooms by Rainer Straschill The MoinSound Studio Sessions was a rather big project. It had led to four album releases, plus two limited-edition EPs. And there was always this talk about yet another release „next year“. This year – 2020 – is now this „next year“. What it is Around Epiphany of 2010, I …
Schlagwort: MSSS
Surreal Spaces
MSSS: Surreal Spaces by Rainer Straschill Another Space The MoinSound Studio Sessions have left a diverse and wide (and sometimes, wild) field of recorded material – all in all, some 40 or so hours. Of course, some of this is crap. Then there’s a multitude of small gems, hidden in all those recordings. And finally, …
Akustik Kies: „Reflexiv Hören“
Akustik Kies: Reflexiv Hören by Rainer Straschill The „Akustik Kies“ Double Album 2010 marked a significant change in the approach for the MoinSound Studio Sessions. This event series had, all through 2009, featured a musical approach similar to that of Wie groß ist die Luft? (read: trombone and vocal noises and komische Elektronik), with some multi-instrumentalist expansions of …
Akustik Kies: „Transitiv Sehen“
Akustik Kies: Transitiv Sehen by Rainer Straschill The „Akustik Kies“ Double Album 2010 marked a significant change in the approach for The MoinSound Studio Sessions. This event series had, all through 2009, featured a musical approach similar to that of Wie groß ist die Luft? (read: trombone and vocal noises and komische Elektronik), with some multi-instrumentalist expansions of …
The MoinSound Studio Sessions (Album)
The MoinSound Studio Sessions by Rainer Straschill How it all started Sometime in March or April of 2009, Matt Stevens announced a virtual concert on LD: Matt was sitting at home, and using a webcam and a computer, streaming his performance to a free-of-charge video streaming portal. It only took Rainer Straschill so long to see the potential in this, …
The MoinSound Studio Sessions
The End of the MoinSound Studio Sessions In June 2011, the MSSS were, rather quietly and without any proper announcement, discontinued. Apart from some boredom on the side of the performer (and surely on the side of the audience as well – there had been sessions with only one spectator), the main reason was another …