oscillator theory

I wanted to do an album of electronic music for some time. A solo album. Synths. And effects. And "synths" meaning lots of hardware synths.
And I wanted it to be serial music composition-wise. Employing the concept of what musicians call a superformel, which, mathematically speaking, is not a formula, but rather a well-ordered set of tuples.
So I set forth to do so. The album title: oscillator theory. The music: three tracks - one ambient, one glitchcore, one techno. All based on a superformel. And lots of synthesizers, indeed.

oscillator theory

Is an album where all of the musical content is defined by tuples, more specifically, a well-ordered set of seven of them.
Is a purely electronic album, meaning around 20 different synthesizers, eleven of which exist in the physical domain.
Employs concepts of symmetry, as well as conceptual continuity clues to An Ambient Manifold, making it essentially geeky.
Is Straschill's first release on a label that is not himself, more specifically, on mobiusspin.
Is his first release in 2015, but probably not his last.
Follows in the footsteps of the purely composed releases.
Contains a dark ambient track.
Contains a glitchcore track.
Contains an oldskool techno track.
All of which are essentially one and the same (see above).
Is made for you to listen to.
To think about.
And to enjoy.
How to get it

The album is available as a digital album download from bandcamp via the player on the left, or directly here.
Download includes a nifty 8-page booklet, and lossless versions (FLAC) are in full 24/48 audiophile glory!
Credits & Acknowledgements

Martin Kristopher (of Möbiusspin) provided production assistance.
Everything else is once again Rainer Straschill.