SAUBER! Das Geheimnis der Geschwindigkeit by Rainer Straschill The Story After the release of the notorious JANUS album after a five-year hiatus and its followup, the Sauflieder-Album A Blessing of Beers, the Moinlabs policy regarding releases had always been a little bit…inconsistent. The autointerview from fall ’98 states several possibilities for following releases – in addition to The Cosmo …
Kategorie: Releases
groxis tafelbilder
groxis tafelbilder by Rainer Straschill The Idea The idea for this recording formed, as many good ideas do, during one rehearsal. As it was the case, the rehearsal hadn’t anything to do at all with this recording: it was one of the rehearsals for Wolfi Schlickhorn’s Wonderbrass, where suddenly drummer Groxi (a.k.a Der Künstler Groxi) asked …
The Cosmo Sessions
The Prophet’s Call Zarathustra answered his emails about five times faster and eight times more throughoutly than I had expected. It was always hard for me to believe that a philosopher could be handicapped in his intellectual batterings by deadlines and tight schedules, but then he was also much more and also much less than a …
Sauflieder Band 1: „A Blessing of Beers“
A new Release ? After a five-year absence from the field of musical releases, Rainer Straschill made his return in 1997 with his long-awaited Janus CD, a record which should, according to this site, „point in various directions which I will explore on following releases“. Strangely enough, the three planned „following releases“ („Die Platte“, „1974“ and the Klangmärchen Project) …
The Project The Janus Project is the title of my most ambitious project so far. While I have been working on the project (my first own album since Best of… in 1992), several things have happened to me – musically and personally, which are audible on the album: the album contains a wide variety of …